Body Guard Protection Training - Stocks

Bruce Drago is an accomplished martial artist – his skills covering Aikido, Hapkido, Tae Kwon Do, American Kenpo, American Tae Kwon D, Boxing and Drago’s Freestyle Grappling.

I develop both physical and mental skills necessary to strategize in deflecting and beating enemies and self-defense, the MMA are combat arts. No doubt a result of his bodyguard experience and Drago MMA training, he has honed himself into a fighting machine: lean and mean and mentally acute, as well.

Bruce Drago created a true MMA training program called Drago’s Hardcore MMA to help others attain a degree of mental acuity and physical strength that would increase their level of wellbeing such as he enjoys. He teaches fighting skills, especially in multiple-attacker-scenarios as a matter of self-defense. Drago’s Hardcore MMA is a fighter’s workout designed by Bruce Drago for non-fighters, which include good nutrition, building strength, endurance and mental acuity, over and above fighting skills.

Bruce Drago has been studying MMA since he was five years old. He has multiple black belts in Korean and Japanese martial arts and is a member of the International Black Belt Hall of Fame. He was certified as an expert in Krav Maga – the Israeli Defense System of contact combat. He has been in the fitness industry for 35 years. You have to understand it’s not about you, you need to learn how to defend your family, children, grand children and so on.

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